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[click here to download copy of constitution]




We the undersigned, meeting in New Britain, Connecticut, on October 15, 2004, hereby establish the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators in Connecticut and by so doing constitute the first annual Business Meeting for the purpose of electing officers under Article V of this Constitution.

Central Connecticut State University:  Richard Charette, Timothy Craine, Louise Gould, Adele Miller;  Eastern Connecticut State University:  Hari Koirala; Naugatuck Valley Community College:  Elaine Dinto;  Quinnipiac University:  Jill Shahverdian;  Southern Connecticut State University:  Martin Hartog


Article I -- Name

The name of this non-profit association shall be Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators in Connecticut hereinafter referred to as AMTEC. Mathematics teacher educators include all people professionally involved in the preparation and professional development of mathematics teachers at all levels.


Article II -- Goal and Purposes

The goal of AMTEC is to promote all aspects of quality mathematics teacher education in Connecticut.  Specifically, the purposes are to:

  1. Facilitate communication and collaboration among mathematics teacher educators;

  2. Promote quality leadership among mathematics teacher educators in the broad mathematics education community;

  3. Coordinate activities and work collaboratively with other associations, organizations, and governmental units concerned with the preparation and professional development of mathematics teachers; and

  4. Encourage and organize programs and meetings focusing on issues related to the preparation and professional development of mathematics teachers.


Article III – Affiliation

Upon the adoption of this Constitution the Executive Board shall seek affiliation of AMTEC with the following organizations which share its goals and purposes:


Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE)


Association of Teachers of Mathematics in Connecticut (ATOMIC)


Connecticut Council for Leadership in Mathematics (CCLM).


In addition, upon majority vote of the membership, the Executive Board shall seek affiliation with other organizations.


Article IV – Membership

All those who are interested in the teaching of mathematics, the professional development of mathematics teachers or the preparation of prospective mathematics teachers shall be eligible for membership. These individuals include, but are not limited to, district mathematics specialists from school districts across the state and the faculty at the institutions of higher education in the State of Connecticut.


The Executive Board may establish various types of membership in the organization, and establish a schedule of dues subject to the approval of the membership.  All dues-paying members shall be eligible to vote.


Article V – Officers

Section 1: Officers


The elected officers of AMTEC shall consist of President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer elected for one-year terms at a Business Meeting held in the fall of each year.


Section 2: Executive Board


The Executive Board shall consist of the officers and such other members as may be established in the by-laws.


Section 3: Duties of Officers


The President’s responsibilities are, but are not limited to, the following: to call and preside over meetings of the Executive Board; to remain informed of current mathematics issues in the state; to function as a liaison between AMTEC and affiliated organizations; to disseminate this information to the remainder of the AMTEC membership; to make appointments subject to the approval of the Executive Board.


The Vice President’s responsibilities are, but are not limited to the following:  in the absence of the President to preside over meetings of the Executive Board; to assist the President in carrying out his or her responsibilities.


The Secretary-Treasurer’s responsibilities are, but are not limited to, the following:  to keep a record of Executive Board meetings and the annual Business Meeting; to maintain a list of the membership for the organization; to collect membership dues and disperse expenditures in accordance with decisions by the Executive Board.


Article VI -- Amendments to the Constitution

This Constitution may be amended by the following procedure: Any member(s) may propose amendments bearing the signatures of a minimum of 5% of the regular members. Proposed amendment(s) and signatures must be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer 60 days prior to an annual Business Meeting.


Proposed constitutional amendments receiving a majority vote of the members present at an annual Business Meeting shall be submitted to the membership for ratification by ballot within 60 days of an annual Business Meeting.


The proposed amendment shall take effect when approved by a minimum of 60% of those members who vote.




Article I  Membership


Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Secretary-Treasurer. Upon approval of the application by the Executive Board and upon receipt of dues, the applicant shall become a member as specified in the Constitution, Article IV.


The amount of the annual dues for members shall be established by the Executive Board and based upon the needs of the organization, subject to approval by a simple majority of those regular members voting at the annual Business Meeting.


Article II  Organization


Section 1: Executive Board


The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers and two to four additional members elected at the annual Business Meeting.  The Executive Board shall meet at least three times a year and shall be responsible for coordinating activities of the association.


Section 2: Special Committees and Task Forces


Special Committees and Task Forces of AMTEC and their chairpersons shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Board on an as-needed basis.


Article III  Annual Business Meeting


There shall be a Business Meeting held in the fall of each year. All members shall receive notice of the annual Business Meeting at least 30 days in advance.


Article IV Elections


Section 1: Nominations and Election Committee


In the spring of each year, the Executive Board shall appoint a Nominations and Elections Committee which shall solicit the names of members to serve as candidates for Officers and members of the Executive Board.  


Section 2: Nominations


Any member may be nominated to serve as a member of the Board of Directors. Any member may nominate herself/himself by notifying the Chairperson of the Nominations and Election Committee.


Sections 3:  Elections


Elections shall be conducted by the Nominations and Election Committee at the annual Business Meeting.


Article V  Amendments to the By-laws


These By-laws may be amended by the following procedure: Any member(s) may propose amendments bearing the signatures of a minimum of 5% of the regular members or by making and passing a motion at the annual meeting. The Executive Board may propose an amendment at anytime. Proposed amendment(s) must be distributed by the Secretary-Treasurer to the voting members 30 days prior to an online vote or actual vote at the annual meeting, whichever is more expedient.


The proposed amendment shall take effect when approved by a majority of those voting online or those present and voting at the annual Business Meeting.

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